In Conversation with fellow Creators: Decoding FLOW

In Daoism philosophy, there exists a principle called ‘Wu Wei’ translating literally into ‘inaction’ or rather, effortless action. A state where you just go with the flow. In his book, Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi defines flow as “a state of joy, creativity and total involvement, in which problems seem to disappear and there is an exhilarating feeling of transcendence.“ Research says that the flow experience is the closest we can come to experiencing pure bliss.

Flow also lies at the center of the creation of Tribe House, and this is why we got into conversations with our favorite creators of the tribe to understand how they experience flow in their lives.

5 questions about FLOW

Abhishek Choudhary, Illustrator, Designer (@abhishek_draws)

What is it that you love doing & how does that get you into flow?
There are a few activities like meeting people, consuming art, reading books and watching movies get me into a state where I want to create. What also works really well for me is working with people. I feed off of other people’s energy. As long as I am collaborating on a creative project with interesting people, I am flowing.

But are there times when you feel out of it? What causes those creative blocks?
There are times when I keep working on something for too long, that leads to a burnout which is what my creative block looks like. Or when a project goes on for so long that it almost becomes stagnant, then I feel as if I am hitting a wall.

And how do you get rid of those creative blocks?
Disconnecting helps, whether it’s in the form of naps or travel.

And once you’re back in the flow, how would you describe that feeling?
I feel energized. It’s as if I am flowing with the river but in the direction of its currents so there is very little effort on my part.

If there was an ideal setting for you to get into flow, how do you imagine it to be?
I have dreamt of this space so often in my head. A place in the hills with a wooden house. Ample of light crashing in through the windows. A place where I can work in my own space but I can also access interesting people easily.

Tanya Gupta, Mood manager at RTX, BHX, FofX (@wandercurls)

What is it that you love doing & how does that get you into flow?
There’s no particular action but I love doing that can get me completely involved. For me, that happens when I am in the perfect setting- a place where i can hear the sounds of nature whether it’s the leaves whispering to each other or water flowing.

But are there times when you feel out of it? What causes those creative blocks?
Doing something that doesn’t exert my mind completely does it for me. Now there might be two reasons for it- either the task has been too repetitive or the setting is uncomfortable in a way to my being.

And how do you get rid of those creative blocks?
Music helps if I can not be close to the sounds of nature. I change how i do the task at hand or I make minimal changes to my surroundings.

And once you’re back in the flow, how would you describe that feeling?
The concept of time changes. I could spend hours working on my projects without remembering to eat, sleep or rest. I become a horse with blinders and the task in front of me is all I see.

If there was an ideal setting for you to get into flow, how do you imagine it to be?
This space has to exist in nature with a weather like that in Bangalore. A wide, open space with lots of natural light. Voices of nature. I’d like to add a hammock and an inexorable source of coconut water to the setting.

Prathamesh Tambe, Musician (@prathameshtambe)

What is it that you love doing & how does that get you into flow?
I love being a conduit through which music creates itself. Flow is an ephemeral concept in my head and I like to keep it that way.

But are there times when you feel out of it? What causes those creative blocks?
Identifying a creative block is a major part of my process. I try to keep an eye on myself whether the process is spontaneous or forced. When I feel that I am forcing that process rather than it happening effortlessly is when I know I have encountered a creative block. And this forced action is what creates it because then the piece becomes more about me than itself.

And how do you get rid of those creative blocks?
The key is knowing when to stop. I allow myself to step away from the project. I engage myself in something else whether it’s a book or a movie. Or I just spend time being.

And once you’re back in the flow, how would you describe that feeling?
There’s a rush of confidence that surges through me. I trust in what I bring to the table, I trust my own perspective, my instincts and my ideas.

If there was an ideal setting for you to get into flow, how do you imagine it to be?
It’d be me on my own with nature around.

Nidhi, Writer and Illustrator (@travel.illustrator)

What is it that you love doing & how does that get you into flow?
I love exploring and expressing. New vistas, people, experience and stories energize me like no other.

But are there times when you feel out of it? What causes those creative blocks?
A very excited mind can often also bring in a block, rather than opening it. I tend to get too absorbed too quickly, and sometimes I chew more than I can swallow.

And how do you get rid of those creative blocks?
Letting go helps. I try to reconnect with how I am feeling in the moment through journaling or meditation. An entirely different activity also helps.

And once you’re back in the flow, how would you describe that feeling?
It feels like an awakening, like those first rays of sunlight after a long, dark night. A feeling of contentment dawns upon my being mixed with a sense of purpose and drive.

If there was an ideal setting for you to get into flow, how do you imagine it to be?
I can describe the exact setting to you. I am sitting on a wooden bench at the edge of a hill looking over a stunning view of a meadow stretching out for as far as my eyes can see; I am savouring the view while sipping on hot chocolate. Trekkers or passersby halt occasionally for an enchanting conversation. But while I sit alone, I have a sketchpad and the song in my head.

Tribe house is a dream workspace for creators and professionals to disconnect from routine, manifest thoughts and create magic. Check in according to your requirement and convenience at Sakleshpur or Assam. Learn more:


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