Change Your Whole Life by Working on this One Thing
Prateek Kotha shares his personal journey of how he reinvented himself and it turned his whole life around
Creatives in the 21st century have to juggle a lot of roles. They’re ambitious, bold, and make sure to live life to the fullest. They set goals for their professional life, set personal standards for themselves and work hard on maintaining relationships with family, friends and their significant others. This careful balance and of play and work sounds easy, but in reality, we know how stressful it can be.
Prateek Kotha, who brought in lovely conversations and an empathetic ear along with hacks and insights for all of his co-tribe members at BHX Mountains edition, drew up an analogy for us. “Life is like keeping lots of tabs open, resulting in low bandwidth and frequent burnouts.” He decided to embark on a personal journey of getting healthy head-on from this January. “I have decided to keep only a few tabs open, keeping health on a separate window”, he said with beaming conviction.
Last year was disastrous for the whole world but Prateek told us he had planned to “focus on all positive breakthroughs”. What started off as a resolution on the 31st of December, really turned into a whole year’s goal of losing weight and staying fit.
Update: He recently shared with us that he has already crossed one-third of his journey and went from 146kgs to 120kgs in 5 months. We couldn’t be more excited for him!
Prateek leads marketing activities at Myntra for multiple fashion verticals, and his strong work ethic has helped him level up faster in a dynamic environment. After so many years in the marketing industry, he’s learnt a few vital lessons which he shared with us. “Identifying a good opportunity is of the utmost importance”, he said, “it comes before figuring out how to grab the opportunity”. He mentioned three more things that fast-tracked his growth: out of the box thinking, consistency in all work and leaving a personal, unique stamp in whatever you do.
While his professional life was flourishing, Prateek’s colleague reminded him “You’re running very fast but without paying attention to your health, you will burn out soon”.
“It’s up to me how I react to it, succumb to pressure or turn things around and take it up”, with determination Prateek set out on this path to lead a more holistic life. His whole life was impacted for the better after taking this decision. When he made himself a priority, he learnt to work more efficiently. The support he got from his close ones turned all hangouts with colleagues, friends and family to be more constructive!
The formula he shared with us — “Bandwidth vs. Output” is so vital for us to put our energy into activities that will give us a good output. Planning time, compartmentalizing thoughts and not burning out from excessive work are a few elements that add up to this formula.
During a conversation with us, he told us that if his life were a movie, it would be called “The Guy who Changed his World”. The determination and optimism he has — wanting to change his own world first before he went out to change the world — was so evident for the tribe to see. At BHX Nainital, he successfully completed the 2-hour trek from our villa to the Nainital lake, and we were all so proud of him for achieving this feat.
Prateek has already touched so many hearts by inspiring them and giving them the push they needed and we can’t wait to see him conquer and smash